Love is an emotion of strong affection

Love is an emotion of strong affection and personal interests. In the context of the philosophy of love is a virtue that inherits all the kindness, compassion and affection. Other opinion, love is an action / activity on human active against other objects, in the form of self-sacrifice, empathy, empathy, compassion, help, follow the words, obey, obedient, and willing to do whatever the object desired.

Love is a word that contains the meaning of complex feelings. Can be experienced by all creatures. The use of the word love is also affected during development. Sentiasa changed the meaning of words according to the responses, understanding and use in the state, the position of the different communities and generations. The nature of love in the sense of the 21st century may be different than centuries ago. Expression of love may be used to vent feelings as follows:
Feelings towards the family
Feelings of friends, or philia
Romantic feelings, or also called romance
Feeling that only a kemahuan, desires or passions of love eros
Also called a fellow feeling or love or agape
Feelings about or against itself, which is called narcissism
Feelings towards a particular concept
Feelings against the country or patriotism
Feelings toward the nation or nationalism

The use of the term love in the people of Indonesia and Malaysia are more influenced love words in English. Love is used in all the practice and meaning to eros, philia, agape, and storge. However, the words are more appropriate still be found in serantau and described as follows:
Love is more likely to romance, romance and lust, eros
Unfortunately that is more inclined to friends and family, philia
You are more inclined to family and God, agape
The spirit of the homeland is more likely to patriotism, nationalism and narcissism, storge


Several languages, including Indonesian or Malay language when compared to current number of languages ​​in Europe, looks a lot more vocabulary in expressing this concept. Including the ancient Greek language, which distinguishes between three or more concepts: eros, philia, and agape.

Love is a feeling of sympathy that involves deep emotion. According to Erich Fromm, there are four conditions to realize the love, namely:
Mutual respect

Erich Fromm in his best-selling book (the art of loving) states that the four symptoms: Care, Responsibility, Respect, Knowledge (CRRK), came all in a balanced way in the person who loves.Nonsense if someone said to love children but never care for and no responsibility on the child. While the responsibility and care without respect and without any real curiosity to know more will plunge parents, teachers, clergy, etc. in an authoritarian manner.

Other kinds of love

As with many types of lovers, there are many kinds of love. Love being around all of human culture. Because of these cultural differences, then the definition of love is difficult to establish. See the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.

Expressions of love may include the love of 'soul' or mind, love of law and organizations, love loss, love nature, love food, love of money, love learning, love power, love fame, etc.. Love is more directed to an abstract concept, easier experienced than explained.

Love that already exist need to be kept in order to maintain its beauty

Interpersonal love

Interpersonal love refers to love between human beings. This form is more than just a sense of joy to others. Interpersonal love relationships can include a lover, parent-child relationship, and also a very close friendship.

Some elements often present in interpersonal love:
Compassion: respect for others.
Altruism: a non-selfish concern for others (which is very seldom we see today).
Reciprocation: mutual love (instead of utilizing each other).
Commitment: a desire to perpetuate the love, determination in a relationship.
Emotional intimacy: sharing emotions and feeling.
Kinship: family bonds.
Passion: Passion and or sexual appetite that tends to the passionate.
Physical intimacy: sharing of life close to each other physically, including sexual intercourse.
Personal interests: the love that expects personal rewards, and there tends to selfish desire to take advantage of the couple.
Service: desire to help and or service.
Homosexuality: Love and sexual desire in men or the same sex, especially for men. For women called Lesbians (lesbian).

Sexual energy can be the most important element in determining the form of the relationship. But the sexual attraction often leads to a new bond, sexual desire is considered not good or it is inappropriate in a bond of love. In many religions and systems of ethics it is considered wrong to have sexual desire for immediate family, child, or outside of a committed relationship. But a lot of ways to express affection without sex. Affection, emotional intimacy and hobbies are very common in friends and relatives in all humans.

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