If the person to lose health Ignore - No man is far from the disease, no human being is far from error. But it would be nice if the man is far from the devil and sins committed. But in this every life would have it, man has always been good to do good deeds and disgraceful. It's perfect when viewed from the physical, using the human eye is only thinking about the appearance and the material alone, but in fact it is a big mistake made by the man himself.Mistakes that they never realized for not understanding the meaning of life itself. They think life is just his ego, big egos in exaggerated, not think about the people around us, the conditions that allow and not allow. Ego is only just making ourselves just broken away from the people we love, far from God, far from good works, much of our success, but the person's ego will be near the same demons. So says the introduction first, then we membhasa about the topic in the appropriate title. About Lose Someone When Ignore health.
Life is a human interaction to the environment. In the run life's course in need of physical conditions and physical health of all barriers to our bodies. Surely it is a disease, illness will make our lives will be blocked to do something and our job. But people often ignore the disease in nature. And in the presence of Islam set a goal to preserve the principal religion, soul, mind, body, property, and heredity.
At least three of the above-mentioned related to health. No wonder it was found that Islam is very rich with medical guidance. In maintaining the health of human beings God commanded His people to eat, but eat foods that are kosher da good for the body.
قل لا أجد في ما أوحي إلي محرما على طاعم يطعمه إلا أن يكون ميتة أو دما مسفوحا أو لحم خنزير فإنه رجس أو فسقا أهل لغير الله به فمن اضطر غير باغ ولا عاد فإن ربك غفور رحيم
"Say:" Nor I get in the revelation revealed to me, things that are forbidden for people who want to eat it, unless it be carrion, or blood poured forth or the flesh of swine - for that verily it is dirty - or animals that are slaughtered in the name of other than Allah .Whoever is in a state of being he had not wanted and not (also) exceeds the limit, then surely your Lord is Forgiving, Merciful. "(Surat al-An` am [6]: 145).
Hadith explains that DAPT was concluded that human laran to eat food forbidden and banned for putting nuda meals, if the delay time to eat, it will lead to the onset of disease. God also warned his people that God does not like to aggravate the condition of the human body. The point is that if God does not want to waste his time giving the health of his people who are not properly guarded.
Thus hadith will be brought to explain the words of the Prophet.:
المرض سوط الله فى الأرض يؤدب الله به عباده
"Disease is the whip of God on earth, with Him (Allah) to educate his servants."
This opinion is supported by the content understanding of piety which basically means avoid the punishment of Allah in this world and the hereafter. Punishment of God on earth, is the result of a violation of the laws of nature. Natural law, among others, prove that the food is dirty causing the disease. A person who ate food at the gross violation of God's nature, so the disease is a punishment in the world that should be avoided by those who fear Allah.
From this it is understandable that Islam ordered that the medical treatment during illness overwritten.
تداووا فإن الله عز وجل لم يضع داء إلا وضع له دواء غير داء واحد الهرم
"Seek medical treatment, because there is no disease that Allah has sent down one, but also lowered the antidote drug, other than one disease, namely old age." (Abu Dawud Hadith History and at-Tirmidhi from - Companions of the Prophet - Osama bin Syuraik).
Thus a person will lose the next world if you do not want to keep kesehatanya, in because that God had given health but if you do not want to keep kesehatanya God will give to the disease in question.
The messages:
In usatu hospital there are many people who are sick, in clinics and more people are sick, they try hard to heal, to repent. but, what if we want to hurt even otherwise healthy? premises can not excuse the attention of others. Why do such a thing on? Surely it is a dishonorable act and violation of God's message to his people. The conclusion of the sick d hospital while they recover our passion for healthy should keep our health, so we do not go in the loss of human groups.
A few of my explanation, may be useful for us all.
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If the person to lose health Ignore
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