Increase traffic fast way to Great - an effort that most in the pemblogger looking for, namely to find a lot of traffic on its website.Many ways used to get high traffic. To post this time is not wrong in trying to endapatkan blog traffic. It's easy, just understand it all that has been terposting below and proceed to the ropes in such a way.
Lankah is very easy, we do not have to blokwalking or mencai software to increase traffic. If you are using your blog software later will be considered spam, in because of your own blog url propagate through autocoment. Please try if the benefit to the reader and increase blog traffic in a good way to blog or not the web roll by google and suspended in hosting.
And we can describe and illustrate visitor traffic on the road as shown below which a lot .....
------ Copy starting here ------
Please read carefully and apply it right ....
A philosophy that says "Honesty is the Best Policy (Honesty is the political / best strategy)." This is what we'll prove it .... whether the concept of honesty if we can generate traffic and greater popularity of the concept of complex expert webmaster or SEO expert ..? ...
I believe the origin of this concept can be run properly ... if this be applied in accordance with the web you:
-Web you will be flooded in an extraordinary visitor traffic day after day, without bothering to think about SEO or tired every related promotion in the Internet world.
-Web you will be flooded with extraordinary backlink day after day, without bothering to hunt every related links in the Internet world.
If Albert Einstein's equation E = mc2 use to combine the potential and the speed of light to produce nuclear energy was incredible, we will use the equation t = v1 + v2 for my web and combine the potential of your website to generate traffic and incredible popularityanyway.
If Einstein used atomic plutonium and uranium to make nuclear bombs, then we use the honesty and accuracy to make a bomb traffic and popularity.
You have to do is follow these steps:
A. Create a post articles as I post this, or copy-paste this post and also given the title: t = v1 + v2, How to increase traffic and popularity quickly and naturally
2. Copy or create the next SAKTI SENTENCE which is under the number 4 is then put on your website on the most easily viewed by visitors, for example at the top of the sidebar:
3. Move or change a link or url address of my posts (here-1) replaces the url address of my colleagues (here-2).
to know the url address of my posts and posts that you make is by clicking on the title / author of this post that we make.
4. Then fill in the url address of your posts on here-1 earlier. So you do publish (publish) 2 times, after posting is complete you created and published, and then you click on the title (title) for posting mengambbil / copy the url address of your posts from your browser's address bar, then you edit again earlier posts and entries on the link here-1.
Here are the words "mantra" you need to plug in your web part (after the change in its url link in accordance with the above)
"Want to improve visitor traffic and your web popularity quickly and unlimited ...? ...
Leave it to me ..., I will do it for you FREE ...! .. Click here-1 and here-2 "
So after this SAKTI SENTENCE placed on the web / blog then: if a visitor clicks a link here-1 will link to your post and if you click here-2 will link to my post ... and so it will continue to happen chainunbroken like that ...
5. Below are 2 links: links (web link I have now) and my link (web link my colleagues right now). So instead of (address) "Your link" with "your own web url link" and "link me with my web url link" (link of my colleagues in the clear).
My link
Your link
5-Completed, prepare and link checker tracker counter such as Sitemeter and Technorati to see the flood of traffic and link back to your web.
What is t = v1 t2 + ...?
t: Number of traffic that will get your website in one day
v1: The number of visitors your website in one day
v2: Number of visitors who have v1 (visitors of your web visitors) in a day.
For example, web / blog or your website I was in had an average daily visitors .. 50 people, and they apply this concept (SENTENCE SAKTI) correctly and of the 50 people that each have 50 people of the visitors of his blog the web we will likely visit 50 plus 50 x 50 people on that day = 2550 people and will likely continue to increase day by day as well as every day there are always new visitors in the world of the Internet and every day there is also a blogger or a new web in the internet Prove ...
For example, our web visitors have 50 people in one day and we all apply this concept, then the day that your web / blog you will get 100 linkback to your website is a link to SENTENCE SAKTI and a link on the link in my multiply 50. and will likely continue to increase day by day ....
Why should you create a link and a link on my post ...?
This ... to maintain the immortality of our link, because as we know a link to the post less likely erased ....
Can we do would not be fair or not fair sabotage this concept, such as "remove all links of origin" and fill in the web / blog of our own ...?Can ...., and this concept would not be maximal to prove Honesty is the strategy / best politics ..... But I believe that we all do not want to impose themselves credibility by doing something cheap like that ...
----- End -----
For fellow bloggers in my web, you can create a post with a way to copy from the sign-Copy from here - up to the mark --- Done --- or please also air-improvisation make a post with the overall pattern of posting I was, by giving a little speech or lip service as
this post ....
Similarly, the advice I got from fellow bloggers to another, we will never know success or not before trying it instead. May be useful.
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Increase traffic fast way to Great
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